Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas - UCA

The University School of Modern Languages was created as part of the University of Cadiz to encourage the learning of languages at all levels. Characterised by its modern, flexible and effective approach, it offers linguistic teaching services to both the university community and surrounding society.
The school currently runs five basic activities:
1. Spanish for Foreigners.
2. Modern Languages.
3. Training Courses for Spanish and English Teachers.
4. Exams for Accreditation.
5. A translation and Interpretation Service.
Furthermore, the school also organises customised courses for foreign universities and other public and private institutions that request our services. Therefore, it also offers excellent accommodation and extra-academic activities that are always adapted to the needs and interests of our students.
Thanks to the success of our courses and the trust placed in us every year by thousands of students, the CSLM has become one of the most important access routes to university for foreign students.